Charade Impeachment

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 22, 2019
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. WRIGHT. Madam Speaker, I rise to express my outrage over the ongoing parliamentary inquiry against our President.

Impeachment is the House's most solemn and serious responsibility. It should not be undertaken haphazardly. Although I strongly believe in Congress' oversight duties and agree that no public official, including the President, is above the law, I have serious concerns about the partisan nature and procedure of this inquiry.

Beyond the fact that this inquiry was launched before the transcript of the call to Ukraine was released, the Speaker's decision to launch an inquiry without a full vote of the House and attempts to restrict the involvement of Republicans and the American public in the impeachment proceedings defy precedence.

From the beginning, this effort has been mired by the Democrats' partisanship and a complete lack of transparency. The American public deserves the truth. Instead, all they are getting are cherry-picked leaks in classic Washington fashion.

Madam Speaker, in its current form, this process is an outrage and counter to our interests and the values of our Republic. I urge my colleagues to abandon this political charade and adhere to the Constitution and congressional precedent.

